Wednesday, October 28, 2009


For once again,shit got in the way and the third issue is delayed,fortunately now is almost done and will be in the printers by the end of October,no bullshit this time!
Also,there are some slight changes,instead of Dyspnea there's an interview with the greek stenchcore crusties Hellstorm,they're a brand new band but the members have been in older punk bands in the past decade. There's an Ottawa (Canada) scene report thanx to Jo Capitalcide and of course all the other interviews,record reviews and columns I mentioned in the previous update.
By the way,there's a new columnist/reviewer/drunkard involved in the zine so be nice to him...I'm just kidding,you can bash him for everything you don't like in the zine! He'll be more than happy to recieve your insults!
Welcome Misanthropy Pure!